Iana Salenko

born in Kiev, Ukraine
Ballet Education
1995–2000 Pisarev Ballet School, Donetsk
2000 Soloist Donetsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre /// 2002 Principal Dancer National Opera House of Ukraine /// 2005 Demi-soloist Staatsballett Berlin /// 2006 Soloist /// since 2007 Principal Dancer
The Nutcracker (Marie), Sleeping Beauty (Aurora), Giselle (Giselle), Don Quixote (Kitri), La Sylphide, Romeo and Juliet (Juliet)
Repertory in Berlin
Vladimir Malakhov: Cinderella (main part), Sleeping Beauty (Princess Aurora, Pas de deux Princess Florine – Bluebird, Fairy Canari qui chante), La Bayadère (Pas de djambé), La Péri (La Péri), Grand Pas de deux Le Corsaire, Grand Pas de deux La Esmeralda; Patrice Bart: The Nutcracker (Marie), Giselle (Peasant pas de deux), The Flaming Heart (Harriet Grove, Shelley's first love), Swan Lake (Odette/Odile); Boris Eifman: Tchaikowsky (girl); George Balanchine: Tchaikowsky Pas de Deux and Jewels (Rubies Pas de deux, Diamonds Pas de deux); August Bournonville: Blumenfest von Genzano (Grand Pas de deux); Frederick Ashton: Sylvia (dance of goats); Giorgio Madia: Alice's Wonderland (Alice), OZ - The Wonderful Wizard (Dorothy), Don Juan (Elisa); John Cranko: Onegin (Olga, Tatjana), Romeo and Juliet (Juliet); Glories of the Romantic Ballet; Pierre Lacotte: Le Papillon; Peter Schaufuss: La Sylphide (main part); Yuri Burlaka/Vasily Medvedev: La Esmeralda (Esmeralda, gypsy girl), The Nutcracker (Clara); Heinz Spoerli: Peer Gynt (Solveig); Marius Petipa: Don Quixote (Malakhov & Friends 2014); Nacho Duato: Sleeping Beauty (Aurora), The Nutcracker (Clara); Vìctor Ullate: Don Quixote (Kitri); Alexei Ratmansky: La Bayadère (Nikiya), George Balanchine: Theme and Variations, George Balanchine: Jewels (Diamonds Pas de deux), Anton Dolin: Pas de Quatre (after Jules Perrot); Marcia Haydée: Sleeping Beauty (Princess Aurora); Christian Spuck: Messa da Requiem; William Forsythe: Approximate Sonata 2016;
Competitions | Awards
2002 1st Prize and Diaghilew-Price Serge-Lifar-Competition Kiev /// 2004 1st Prize ÖTR Contest Vienna /// 2004 1st Prize and Makharova-Price at the Arabesque-Competition /// 2004 3rd Prize at the International Ballet Competition in Varna /// 2005 1st Prize at the International Ballet Competition in Helsinki /// 2005 1st Prize at the International Ballet Competition in Nagoya /// 2024 Berliner Kammertänzerin
Other Achievements
Invitations: 2006: Opera na Zamku gala programme /// 2006 Theater Arnhem, NL: charity performance at the ARDT foundation /// 2007 International Ballet-Star-Gala Taipei /// 2013 Royal Ballet London: Kitri in Carlos Acostas Don Quixote