Ross Martinson

born in Cardiff, Wales
Ballet Education
1995–2000 Royal Ballet School White Lodge London, England
2000–2003 Royal Ballet Upper School London, England
2003 Cannes Jeune Ballet Rosella Hightower /// 2004 Ballet de l'Opéra national du Rhin /// 2006 Introdans, Arnhem, Netherlands /// 2009 Staatstheater Mainz /// 2012 Freelance /// 2015 Royal Swedish Ballet /// since 2018 Staatsballett Berlin
William Forsythe: Quintett; Mats Ek: Swan Lake (Swan, Spanish Dance), Juliet and Romeo (Benvolio, Peter) and Fireplace; Jiří Kylián: Indigo Rose and Evening Songs; Sasha Waltz: Körper; Wim Vandekeybus: Puur; Sharon Eyal: Half Life; Alexander Ekman: A Midsummer Night's Dream; Christopher Wheeldon: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (The Mad Hatter); as well as pieces by Nacho Duato, Hans van Manen, Maurice Béjart, Jo Strømgren, Nils Christie, Didy Veldman, Andonis Foniadakis, Lucinda Childs, Georg Reischl, Felix Landerer, Shang-chi Sun and Lenka Vagnerova
Repertory in Berlin
Anouk van Dijk: Distant Matter (van Dijk | Eyal); Stijn Celis: Your Passion Is Pure Joy To Me (Celis | Eyal); Richard Siegal: Oval (Balanchine | Forsythe | Siegal); Jefta van Dinther: Plateau Effect; Emanuel Gat: Sunny; Sharon Eyal: STRONG (Ekman | Eyal); Emanuel Gat: Sunny, Johnny McMillan: Parliament; David Dawson: Voices (Dawson); Johnny McMillan: Oh Captain (LAB_WORKS 2022); Mats Ek: A Sort of…; Christian Spuck: Bovary (Monsieur Hareng); Marcia Haydée: Dornröschen (Catalabutte); Sharon Eyal: 2 Chapters Love; William Forsythe: One Flat Thing, reproduced; Marcos Morau: Overture; Crystal Pite: Angels' Atlas;
The Zero (as part of LAB_WORKS COVID_19), The Frequency (Next Generation);
Competitions | Awards
2013 Audience First Choice Award at the 17th International Solo Dance Theatre Festival Stuttgart
Other Achievements
Guest with Sasha Waltz & Guests