Silvia Delagneau

Silvia Delagneau hails from Salamanca. She studied costume and set design at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona and at the École supérieure des arts décoratifs in Paris. Her work is characterized by influences from various disciplines such as theater, dance, visual arts, and audiovisual arts, where she has gained experience in each. She has collaborated with Spanish directors such as Alex Rigola, Alex Serrano, Alícia Gorina, and Carlota Subirós, but for many years, particularly with Marcos Morau and the artist collective La Veronal. Some of her recent works include Afanador (Ballet Nacional de España, 2023), Firmamento (Festival Grec de Barcelona, 2023), Le Sacre du printemps (Deutsche Oper am Rhein, 2023), Nachtträume (Opernhaus Zürich, 2022), and La Belle au bois dormant (Opéra de Lyon, 2022). Many of her works have been nominated for awards and presented at festivals.