Choreography by _Dominik White Slavkovský_\Music by _Egon Thuile_ and others
Choreography by Dominik White Slavkovský
Music by Egon Thuile and others
Choreography by Dominik White Slavkovský
Music by Egon Thuile and others
Choreography by Dominik White Slavkovský
Music by Egon Thuile and others
Choreography by Dominik White Slavkovský
Music by Egon Thuile and others
Choreography by Dominik White Slavkovský
Music by Egon Thuile and others
Choreography by Dominik White Slavkovský
Music by Egon Thuile and others
Choreography by Dominik White Slavkovský
Music by Egon Thuile and others
Dominik White Slavkovský, a member of the Staatsballett Berlin ensemble, brings a vibrant, colorful, and humorous children‘s and youth ballet to life with Chicxulub or the Devil's Flea. This production immerses its audience in a surreal world where dance, adventure, and fantasy seamlessly intertwine. The story follows a melancholy young prince who escapes his sadness by retreating into a fantastical video game world. There, he encounters a group of modern superheroines—magical characters endowed with extraordinary powers. His adventures are repeatedly interrupted by unwelcome messages from the real world, urging him to return to his duties. Yet rather than giving up, the prince discovers strength, courage, and support in this virtual realm. Initially, he views his companion, a brave and intelligent heroine, as an adversary. However, as the story unfolds, he comes to see her as an ally who helps him overcome challenges. Their collaboration becomes a powerful symbol of friendship, teamwork, and the triumph over prejudice. The production blends humor and absurdity with profound themes such as courage, self-discovery, and the importance of helping others. Chicxulub or the Devil's Flea is designed not only for children but also for adults who are open to whimsical encounters with dinosaurs, eccentric characters, and a vividly imagined world.